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Argentina - Data Protection Authority issued recommendations for users of videoconference platforms.

On June 15, 2021, the Argentine Data Protection Authority published the following recommendations aimed at protecting the personal data of users of videoconference platforms:

Read the privacy policies and conditions of the platforms. Users must give their consent to the processing of their personal data, which must be in writing or other similar means.

When the videoconference platform is "free" and the personal data is used for other purposes, companies must previously inform such purposes and their consequences, the recipients and, in case they are stored in a database, the name and contact details of the person in charge, so that the data subject can exercise his/her rights.

If a video call is recorded, this must be informed in advance, explicitly and concretely, together with the intended purpose.

It is recommended to use platforms that allow passwords to be set for rooms or calls, in addition to an identification (ID) that only those invited to participate have.

In case of breach of the rights as personal data subjects granted by Law 25,326 on Personal Data Protection, data subjects may file a claim before the Argentine Data Protection Authority.

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